Happy New Year 2011 By: Stan Ciszek Copyright ©2011

House of Rising Sun By: Stan Ciszek Copyright ©2010
I am a very good sleeper….
But last night, the night of March 17, 2011, I could not fall asleep…
I was tossing and turning with my eyes wide open…feeling, thinking…images, endless fast moving images passing through…not a big surprise as a day earlier I’ve made a public commitment to record transcribe and make public a Karma Secrets Meditation in the Japanese language…
A bright light came into my window
I looked at my iPhone, it was just after five in the morning…the sun, I thought, wow…I may not get any sleep before our morning meditation…
I looked out of my bedroom window…it was not the sun…but may as well have been…the full moon, in an absolutely perfect sphere, the biggest I’ve ever seen it…smiling at me, in bright orange and yellow colors, reflecting the sunlight…five minutes no more…and it was gone!
Now I remembered why I could not sleep…”the land of the rising sun” what a coincidence…
This coming Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:00 pm eastern time
A group of our students and their friends will gather downtown Toronto Canada to share, and record a Special Meditation to later make available to all, in the Japanese language.
How can you help?
Your live energy presence and good intentions are golden!
1. Simply Participate Live – we need your loving energy!
2. Share your experience – your feedback may be very inspiring!
3. Ask questions – interactive questions and answers are the most interesting format of a learning experience
4. Spread the word – so more and more people can directly and indirectly benefit!
And finally, the more practical and hands on:
Do you speak Japanese?
Do you you know someone who does?
Can you edit videos and sound?
You can help!
Initially we plan to translate, narrate, and transcribe English to Japanese.
Created audio and videos with narrations and subtitles.
Later we will require some ongoing support to update and answer the questions we will be receiving…
Is there anything we missed?
Do you have any great ideas in who can help and how?
Let us know at TheRisingSun@KarmaSecrets.com
P.s. We are setting up a special page for the Wednesday The Rising Sun Event!
Please stay tuned!