Site icon Erik Valdman – The Art of BIM

thank you private session


Thank you for your trust!

Our session will be about one hour
We could use ZOOM or Phone

Please have a ‘dining room style’ chair with a strait back available and some floor room, just enough for a Yoga or a Tai-Chi kind of movements as we maybe doing some energy together

Please go HERE to my schedule
and set the best time for us to meet

Please Note: You must make tuition payment first, before setting your time
on Erik’s schedule. If you have not made the payment, please go here first
and you will be brought back to this page !:))

Once our time will be set you will receive the ZOOM link to join our session

There are Morning and Evening hours available
(Please Note: if you are out of Province we are in Toronto Eastern time)

If you need to reschedule, please give us a 24 hour notice

If you need another time please call Michelle at (416) 410-1290
and she could help you (Office Hours: 10 am – 8 pm Toronto, Eastern Time)

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