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Teaching Kids To Relax, Swine Flue Prevention in Schools and Meditation – connecting the dots

Teaching Kids To Relax, Swine Flue Prevention in Schools and Meditation – connecting the dots…

I know, I know, there are more then one question that needs to be answered here.
But I would like to begin with a few timely ideas that could help children and parents cope better with back to school stress and anxiety and may even be helpful in diminishing the risks of exposure and outbreak of Swine Flue (H1 N1 flue) in your child’s school.

First I would like to quote the resent New York Times Article (The Claim: Stress Can Make Allergies Worse)
“In recent years, studies have shown that psychological stress and anxiety — even at slight or moderate levels — can worsen allergy symptoms. Scientists suspect that it has something to do with the way stress affects the immune system, causing elevated levels of compounds that heighten the allergic response and remain unaffected by standard treatments for hay fever, like antihistamines.”

In this article the NYT is referring to a resent study: “One of the most recent and striking studies was published this year by scientists at Ohio State University.”

This study, published under Psychoneuroendocrinology, June 2009, whith the long heading of: “How stress and anxiety can alter immediate and late phase skin test responses in allergic rhinitis.” clearly states that stress anxiety significantly diminishes our immunity.

than I read today’s article “Soothe Back-to-School Anxiety, Teach Kids to Relax

Where Experts at Duke University, recommend Meditation, to help children transition into the new school year and deal with many academic and social pressures.

Well I will let you connect the dots!

Finally meditation is beginning to receive scientific backing and media attention which one day may lead to an official course in every private and public school.

Meanwhile, thanks to the principle, the teachers, the parents and most of all the great cooperation and the feedback we have received from the kids, We are preparing our second year teaching “Meditative Story Telling” an integration of Intuitive Meditation and Story Telling in Blaisdale Montessori School in Canada.

Following an extremely successful almost six month trial with a group of 23 children, ranging between nine and ten year old during 2008-2009 school year, we will continue teaching Meditation in Blaisdale Montessori in 2009-2110!

We have now designed a program which will be extended to 14 different classes, on over eight Montessori campuses, beginning September 2009.

Our Goal is to make “Meditative Story Telling “Meditation, Relaxation, Inner Growth and mindful program for children available to other children in other schools, educational centers and at homes, where children and their parents could benefit from all around the world.

Erik Valdman

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