November 14-16 The Whole Life Expo in Toronto, Canada
Erik Valdman will be Presenting Karma Secrets
for Beginners & Intermediate Students.
“We can not be happy, healthy and successful unless we find a way to address our Karma!” Erik Valdman
Dear Friend and Seeker,
There are two very distinct stages of awareness, the first is “survival level” the second is “beyond survival”. We are all born in to survival state of being and this is the level of your “instincts”.
Your Life Purpose will guide you towards awakening of your inner potential and awakening “intuition” (a higher level of awareness).
There is no way to arrive to higher awareness through coincidence. It is a completely new language, a new state of awareness. Just like a language, you could not possibly learn it without the direct interaction with those who already speak it. This new language is a language of your KARMA… expressed in every moment and aspect of your daily experience without being noticed.
Unlike a new language, which generally is more dependent on time practiced and available books and teachers, to reach attainment of Karmic Knowledge, you must begin with the experience inner energy changes inspired by your teacher. Being free to challenging your current world view and your ultimate INTENTION will determine your true attainment of Karmic Knowledge and inner growth.
Erik Valdman, Toronto, 2008
Please Note:
If you are in Toronto you can attend the presentation
Saturday, November 15th at 6:00 pm (Stage One)
Sunday, November 16th at 5:00 pm (Lecture hall 206EF)
Erik will be available for questions & personal Karma Diagnosis at The Art of BIM booth #108