I just had a conversation with a long time acquaintance who is working at an INDIGO (the largest bookstore chain in Canada) and according to him the tough economic situation has not heart the book business a bit, but quite the opposite. Actually he is working in the children books section of the store. This section has just been more than quadrupled in size. Parents are buying more books for their kids. And despite technology the sales of books in general is seemed to be rising in these tough economic times.
Well, this brought me back, way back to eastern Europe, were I was born. Now an independent (still communist ) country, Belarus, at the time, was under the umbrella of the Soviet Union…all I can say is that during touch economic times which was “all the times” in those days, Education, books, classical music and sports, where at the highest respect and priority for all people, and more so for parents and their children.
It may not be such a coincidence, that exactly that same change in perspective on education has recently triggered a big interest from schools and parents to teach meditation to children. It has been proven that meditation helps both adults and children to alleviate stress, gain better focus and much more…
Inspired by the Beatles Fundraiser in Radio City on April 4th. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will reunite to the stage to raise money to teach meditation to children around the world. They are going to point it towards one million at –risk children – giving them life long tools.
We are very exited and honored to hold this parallel event at a Campus of one of Canada’s Larges Montessori Schools, Westney Campus, 20 O’Brien Court from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Toronto time (Eastern).
Hundreds of Blaisdale of students teachers and their parents are invited, thousands more are expected to participate on the live stream, over the Internet directly from their home from around the world. Most of the Elementary teachers accompanied by their own families will be in attendance.
We hope you will be there too.
You can now watch the Intro Video and register at http://www.meditativestorytelling.com/
Hi Erik. This sounds really exciting! I wish you all the best with this event.